Support for Learning Diversity
We are committed to developing the skills of all students within our kindergarten. We understand that young children progress at different rates, and students are offered various learning opportunities to support a wide range of skills.
Our teachers are experienced in planning the curriculum to be meaningful for all children. Our Student Support Coordinator works closely with them to support the learning diversity of all students in our school. We also benefit from the support of the ESF Student Support Services Team.
Play & Wellbeing
Our play-based approach to learning is supported by data and research about how young children learn best. Learning through play builds engagement by capturing a child’s curiosity and sense of discovery. It also provides opportunities to develop social and emotional skills, communication skills, and cooperation. Play also develops brain connections and supports cognitive development. Relationships are at the heart of our school. When learning through play, children can develop their emotional regulation and sense of empathy within their learning community, contributing to their sense of well-being.
Learning Technology
Learning Technology enhances the inquiry learning experience and helps children build their skills and understanding through practical experiences. Our school embraces appropriate technology in different forms, including learning early coding skills and using technology for research to support children's interests.
Safeguarding & Child Protection
We take safeguarding responsibilities seriously and will deal with any reported incidents appropriately.
All adults (all staff and parents) are responsible for upholding children’s rights and working together to protect them and promote their welfare. We follow procedures set out in the ESF Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy and work with other agencies as necessary to provide what is best for the child.
For any child protection matters, please contact our school to speak with our Child Protection Officers.
What is Safeguarding?
Safeguarding is what we do as a society to protect individuals (in particular, children and vulnerable adults) from harm such as abuse, neglect, and sexual exploitation. Safeguarding ensures children grow up with the best life chances and that all individuals are given safe and effective care.
Safeguarding is everyone’s business.
What is Child Protection?
Child protection is very similar—however, child protection is what we do as a society to protect children who have already experienced abuse, neglect, sexual exploitation, or have otherwise been harmed.
In short terms, safeguarding is what we do to prevent harm, while child protection is the way in which we respond to harm.
Child Protection Officers’ role is specialised and requires thoughtful and careful interventions.
Reference: Child Protection Company