
Our Approach

Our Approach

Through inquiry-based learning and play, we encourage children’s natural curiosity and creativity, develop their personal and social skills, and plant the seed of a life-long love of learning. Children are encouraged to take ownership of their own learning, which builds confidence and independence.


We believe the early years are a critical stage in a child’s development and education. Everything we do is intended to provide the best outcomes for our young learners and to provide them with a fun and stimulating place to learn. Our supportive and enriching environment supports all children's abilities and talents.


We offer an English language education for children aged 3 to 5. The learning environment is rich and engaging, and children are encouraged to learn through exciting and fun hands-on experiences. We also access our local community in different ways to support learning.


All classes are led by qualified early years teachers and are supported by educational assistants, many of whom have recognised certificates in early childhood education. We are a team that believes in the power of nurturing relationships and knowing each child well. Those connections make every learning experience matter and we have high expectations for all our young learners.


Mandarin Chinese language skills are delivered by native-level speakers with Chinese teaching qualifications.


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