
Admissions overview

Every year, hundreds of families apply to join the Tsing Yi Kindergarten community. Admissions to our schools are handled centrally through ESF - and staff from both the admissions team based at the school and also at ESF Centre are on hand to guide you through the process.

Find out how to apply to Tsing Yi Kindergarten here
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Admissions overview

Every year, hundreds of families apply to join the Tsing Yi Kindergarten community. Admissions to our schools are handled centrally through ESF - and staff from both the admissions team based at the school and also at ESF Centre are on hand to guide you through the process.

Find out how to apply to Tsing Yi Kindergarten here

Information sessions & school tour

Throughout the year we host school tours that allow you to find out more about our amazing kindergarten, and chat to the leadership team about what matters to you most. We welcome your questions as a way to help us connect.

Find out about our admissions programme here

Contact Admissions


If you’re unable to find the answer to your question about our admissions, please do not hesitate to contact us in one of the following ways:


Contact the ESF admissions team for your admissions case


If you have questions about admissions procedure, school place availability or an ongoing application, contact the ESF admissions team.

Email : kindergarten.admissions@esfcentre.edu.hk

Phone : +852 3762 2411


Contact our school admissions team with general study enquiries

For general questions relating to studying at our school that do not relate to specific applications.

Email : kinder@tyk.edu.hk
Phone : +852 2436 3355

Enquire now
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Contact Admissions


If you’re unable to find the answer to your question about our admissions, please do not hesitate to contact us in one of the following ways:


Contact the ESF admissions team for your admissions case


If you have questions about admissions procedure, school place availability or an ongoing application, contact the ESF admissions team.

Email : kindergarten.admissions@esfcentre.edu.hk

Phone : +852 3762 2411


Contact our school admissions team with general study enquiries

For general questions relating to studying at our school that do not relate to specific applications.

Email : kinder@tyk.edu.hk
Phone : +852 2436 3355

Enquire now
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